Florence Lam © 2025

Built with Berta.me

  1. ‘There is a cocoon, but nobody is inside’

    Duration: 20 hours

    13 Dec, 5:30–8pm; 14 Dec, 12–1pm
    On-site, Para Site, 10/F

    13 Dec, 5:30pm–14 Dec, 1pm
    Live stream, Para Site YouTube Channel

    As part of ‘The Embrace and the Passage’, Florence Lam embarks on a journey from a contained space to the boundless ocean as a reflection on fertility, abortion, and host-guest dynamics from within.

    In ‘There is a cocoon, but nobody is inside’, Lam dorms in Michele Chu’s constructed environment overnight, arriving at Para Site shortly before closing and departing soon after reopening. Part of the exhibition space thus becomes an enclosed stage that denies the audience physical access, allowing only mediated witnesses. Thereafter, the space is redefined as a short-lived, deserted cocoon that once incubated the artist and an unseen metamorphosis.

    The artist then turns towards the coast for Ocean Birth, the date of which will be announced soon.

    Para Site十樓現場展演

    Para Site YouTube頻道線上直播

    在展覽「棲與渡」中,Florence Lam將踏上由幽室轉移至無垠大海的軌跡,藉此思量生育、墮胎的經歷以及由內而生的主客關係。

    展演《這裏有一個繭,但沒有人在裏面》期間,Florence將於朱凱婷建構的環境內過夜,於Para Site關門前到達並於翌日重開不久後離去。展場一部分因此成為封閉的舞台,謝絕觀眾進入,只允許間接見證。展演過後,空間將被重新定義,成為短暫孕育過藝術家及其無形蛻變、但已然空置的繭。

    Production assistant: Victor Cheng
    Curated by Jessie Kwok
    Commissioned by Para Site, Hong Kong

    Photos by Victor Cheng and Catherine Li

    PART 1:

    PART 2: