Florence Lam © 2023

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  1. Bio 

    Florence Lam (b.1992 Vancouver, Canada) is currently based in Hong Kong. Lam works with wonder, animistic and magical thinking, with improvisation as thought process, to fuse together current moral issues with child-like world views through performance, poetry, video and sound. The aim is to explore the fertility and sterility of the mind manifested through the properties of the biological body and language as a hint to the evolution of human values and spiritual understanding. She obtained her MA Fine Art from Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2017 and her BA Fine Art from Central Saint Martins in 2014.

    Lam has performed around Asia and Europe, including M+ (Hong Kong, 2023), Tai Kwun Contemporary (Hong Kong, 2022), Para Site (Hong Kong, 2021), Hidden Space (Hong Kong, 2020), Nanhai Gallery (Taipei, Taiwan 2019), MACRO Testattio Mattatoio Art Museum (Rome, Italy 2018), Kling & Bang (Reykjavík, Iceland 2018), Manifesta 11 (Zürich, Switzerland 2016) etc. Art festivals include IMPORT/EXPORT (Livorno, Italy 2023), Movement Festival (Hong Kong 2022), Black Market International - Exploring 2021 (Frankfurt, Germany 2021), A! Performance Festival (Akureyri, Iceland 2019), YÜP Festival (Osnabrück, Germany 2019), ZABIH Performance Festival (Lviv, Ukraine 2019), Reykjavík Arts Festival (Reykjavík, Iceland 2019), Performance Platform Lublin (Lublin, Poland 2017), Sequences Art Festival (Reykjavík, Iceland 2017), Performance Art Bergen Open (Bergen, Norway, 2017) etc. She received a fellowship grant from "2046 Fermentation + Fellowship" fund from Para Site in 2022, and has been a resident artist at Paradise Air, Japan and Surnadal Billag A/S, Norway. Her performance work was donated and auctioned as experience lot for Para Site Auction 2022.

    She co-founded Per.Platform, Hong Kong-based live art platform founded in 2021. She has been selected as one of the eight participants of the first edition of Curatoké : Performance Curator Academy as part of ADAM Project, Taipei Performing Art Center, Taiwan in 2024.

    Since 2020, she has been holding live and online performance art workshops.
    She worked as a re-performer for “The Cleaner” Retrospective of Marina Abramović at Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany (2018) and a workshop facilitator for “A Different Way of Hearing - The Abramović Method for Music” at Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany (2019), facilitating "The Abramocić Method" workshop with audiences. 

    Her directorial debut, short film “In Your Shoes” (2024), co-directed with documentary filmmaker Chan Tze Woon made its World Premiere at Taiwan International Documentary Film Festival 2024, and is screened at Image Forum Festival 2024 (Tokyo, Japan) and Southern Taiwan Film Festival 2024 (Tainan, Taiwan). She played the leading role in "The Reticent Wave" (2023) directed by Yuen Chi-him for the 17th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival, Hong Kong.

    Florence Lam於1992年出生於加拿大溫哥華,目前在香港生活與工作。她以wonder、魔法思考和泛靈論作為靈感,以即興為思考模式,透過行為、文字、影像和聲音,將當代倫理問題與孩童般的世界觀結合。目的是探索通過物理身體和言語的特性所成就出來思想的孕育性和不育性,作為人類價值觀和精神理解演化的暗示。她於2014年在英國倫敦中央聖馬丁學院獲得學士學位,2017年在冰島藝術學院取得碩士學位。

    她曾於亞洲和歐洲等地展覽,包括香港M+(2023),香港大館當代藝術館(2022),香港Para Site(2021),香港牛棚藝術村(2021),香港Hidden Space(2020),台北南海藝廊(2019), 羅馬當代藝術博物館(2018),冰島Kling & Bang畫廊(2018), 蘇黎世歐洲宣言展(2016)等。行為藝術節包括:意大利利弗諾 IMPORT/EXPORT(2023),香港 Movement Festival(2022),德國法蘭克福 Black Market International – Exploring 2021(2021),冰島A!行為藝術節(2019),德國奧斯納布魯克YUP行為藝術節(2019),烏克蘭利沃夫ZABIH行為藝術節(2019),冰島雷克雅維克藝術節(2018),波蘭盧布林行為藝術平台(2017),冰島時序藝術節(2017),挪威卑爾根開放行為藝術節(2017)等。她在2022年獲香港Para Site「2046醖釀獎助金」,亦曾獲選到日本Paradise Air和挪威Surnadal Billag A/S參與藝術家駐村。她的行為作品捐贈於Para Site拍賣會2022。

    她是 Per.Platform(成立於2021年的香港現場藝術平台)的聯合創辦人和策展人。在2024年,她獲選成為臺北表演藝術中心亞當計劃第一屆 Curatoké:表演策展人學院的八位學員之一。

    她在2020年開始舉辦現場和線上行為藝術工作坊。她曾在德國波恩BundeskunsthalleMarina Abramović 的「The Cleaner」回顧展(2018)擔任re-performer,並在法蘭克福舊歌劇院「A Different Way of Hearing - The Abramović Method for Music」擔任facilitator2019),協助帶領觀眾參與The Abramović Method工作坊。

    她的首部合導作品是與紀錄片導演陳梓桓共同執導的短片《In Your Shoes》(2024),於台灣國際紀錄片節2024首映,並在日本東京 Image Forum 電影節 2024 和南方影展2024放映。她在第十七屆鮮浪潮國際短片節由阮智謙執導《爺爺來訪的夜》(2023) 裡飾演女主角。

    Curriculum Vitae


    2017       MA Fine Art, Iceland Academy of the Arts, Reykjavik, Iceland
    2014       BA Fine Art, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, UAL, London, UK

    Awards & Residencies (Selected)
    2023       HKADC Cultural Exchange Grant, Hong Kong
    2021       2046 Fermentation and Fellowship Program, Para Site, Hong Kong
    2019       Chiba Prefectural Museum of Art X PARADISE AIR, Chiba, Japan
    2017       Surnadal Billag A/S Artist Residency, Surnadal, Norway
    2016       Short Stay Program, PARADISE AIR, Matsudo City, Chiba, Japan
    2014       The National Open Art Competition, UK (shortlisted)

    Solo & Duo Exhibitions

    2022       Nothing Has Happened (Duo w/ Chan Tze Woon), HART Haus, Hong Kong
    2020       TRUNK (Solo), Post-Human Narratives: Cyborg, Boundary, Situation., Hidden Space, Wah Tat Industrial Centre, Kwai Hing, Hong Kong
    2018       I Heard You Say (Duo w/ Tim Löhde), FAK.18, Münster, Germany
    2018       The ability to not like the shape (Duo w/ Ina Arzensek), Hamburg, Germany
    2017       The Picture of Causality (Solo), Mengi, Sequences Art Festival, Reykjavik, Iceland
    2017       The Stars Look Very Different Today (Duo w/ Tim Löhde), Surnadal Billag, Surnadal, Norway
    2017       Robot, Plant, Animal and Human (Solo), RÝMD, Breiðholt, Iceland
    2017       Popping Popcorn without a Lid but with a Fan (Solo), Galleri Fisk, Bergen, Norway

    Group Exhibitions (Selected)
    2024       Another Day in Hong Kong, Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong
    2023       Sex be with you, Novalis Art Design, Hong Kong
    2022       Post-Human Narratives Phase 3: In the Name of Scientific Witchery, Para Site, Hong Kong
    2022       Yu Chau Street Temporary Playground, 135YCS, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong
    2021       Noble Rot, Para Site, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
    2021       HEAD TO HEAD, A-DASH, Athens, Greece
    2021       Dear Camus 2021, Elephant Space, Seoul, South Korea
    2021       Post-Human Narratives: The Co-Existing Land, Cattle Depot Artist Village, To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong
    2020       Nothing Close Enough, Studio wbu, Düsseldorf, Germany
    2020       Of Transience, Encounters and Endless Enigma, 1a Space, Cattle Depot Artist Village, To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong
    2019       The Stars Look Very Different Today, Offraum8, Düsseldorf, Germany
    2019       Negation of You, Nanhai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
    2019       The Objects I Follow / The Stories I Swallow, Tentacles Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand
    2018       Peppermint, Reykjavik Art Festival, Kling & Bang, Reykjavik, Iceland
    2017       Iceland Academy of the Arts MA Degree Show, Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum, Iceland
    2017       Strange Weather, Isn’t It?, RÝMD, Breiðholt, Iceland
    2016       HvolfSpegill / UpsideDome, Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
    2016       Ummerki Vatns / Traces of Water, Hafnarborg Art Museum, Iceland
    2016       BÆNG, (Former) Kling Og Bang, Reykjavik, Iceland
    2015       Lets The Flavour Flow, (Former) Kling Og Bang, Reykjavik, Iceland
    2015       The World Belongs to Everyone, Not only a Chosen Few, The Living Art Museum, Iceland
    2014       Royal Ulster Academy Annual Exhibition, Ulster Museum, Belfast, UK
    2014       National Open Art Competition, The Embankment Gallery, Somerset House, London, UK
    2014       Degree Show One 2014, Central St. Martins College of Art & Design, London, UK
    2013       When.Arts.Meet, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong
    2013       Semes Spatial, Campbell Works, London, UK
    2013       Tomb Raiders, Petrie Museum, UCL, London, UK

    Performance Festivals
    2023       IMPORT/EXPORT Performance Festival, Livorno, Italy
    2022       Movement Festival 2022, Eaton HK, Hong Kong
    2021       Pagganap 6th SIPA International Performance Art Festival (Online)
    2021       BLACK MARKET INTERNATIONAL - EXPLORING 2021, IPA, Milchfabriken, Frankfurt, Germany
    2021       Per.Platform #1 Entropy: Arrow of Time~, 135YCS, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong
    2019       Young Urban Performances Festival, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany
    2019       A! Performance Festival, Akureyri Art Museum, Akureyri, Iceland
    2019       Exploring Don Quixote by Jürgen Fritz, Atelier Orbit 24 & Kunstverein Familie Montez, Frankfurt, Germany
    2019       ZABIH Performance Art Festival, Lviv, Ukraine
    2018       Turin Table Performance Art Week, Turin, Italy
    2017       PAB OPEN 2017, Bergen, Norway
    2017       Performance Platform Lublin 2017, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin, Poland
    2017       Föstudagurinn langi 2017, Alþýðuhúsið, Siglufjörður, Iceland
    2014       Pure Performance, Trispace Gallery, London, UK

    Individual Performances (Selected)
    2023       Give, Para Site Auction, Hong Kong
    2023       Free Hugs for Étude, M+ Art Basel Party, M+ Museum of Contemporary Art, Hong Kong
    2022       Phoenix, Typhoon Signal No 233 Hollywood, iisuArt (Gallery opening performance), Hollywood Centre, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
    2022       Group Performance, Negative Space, Foo Tak Building, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
    2022       In/Active, ThyLab, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong
    2022       “Counter of Occurances” Live Performance Series: “Breaking Ice” (in collaboration with Ka Chun Hui) & “Breaking Pointe” (Solo), Jumping Frames, Tomorrow Maybe, Eaton HK, Hong Kong
    2022       A Collection of Two Acts, Rossi & Rossi, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
    2022       Art After Hours: LOUD, Laundry Steps, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong
    2018       Pulsazioni, MACRO Testtacio Mattatoio Art Museum, Rome, Italy
    2017       My Heart in a Broken Nutshell, GSM: Frequences on Sequences, RÚV, Sequences Art Festival, Reykjavik, Iceland
    2017       Urban Substitution: Art City Walk, Aarhus, Denmark
    2017       Tilraunakvöld LHÍ / IAA Experimental Night, Mengi, Reykjavik, Iceland
    2016       The Artist Disappears, Cabaret der Künstler – Zunfthaus Voltaire, Manifesta 11, Zurich, Switzerland
    2015       Ahh now it all makes sense, Laugarnesvegi 91, Reykjavik, Iceland
    2014       The Tomorrow People 2014, Elevator Gallery, London, UK
    2014       ITS ABOUT TO START, 1 Granary Square, Kings Cross, London, UK

    Performance Collaborations
    2023       Closing performance with Aaron Lam, Armour, Art Home, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
    2023       'The Enlightened Women" Collaboration with Jing Pang, BOOKED 2023, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong
    2022       “I became a question for you” Collaboration with Niocla Dale, Per.Platform x University of Salford Art Collection, Peer to Peer UK/HK (online)
    2022       Performance activator for “Crack” by Hou Lam Tsui, Body Dis-ordered, Jumping Frames, Tomorrow Maybe, Eaton HK, Hong Kong
    2021       Performance collaborator for “Umbilical Cord” by Tang Kwok-Hin, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
    2020       Performance collaborator for “Alpine Tango” by Tang Kwok-Hin, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
    2020       Performer for “Lifespan”, They Do Not Understand Each Other, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong
    2019       Abramovic-Method Facilitator “A Different Way of Hearing – The Abramovic-Method for Music”, Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany
    2018       Re-Performer for “Marina Abramovic - The Cleaner” Retrospective, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany

    Video Screening
    2024       The Future is the Past of the Present, Mist Gallery, Hong Kong
    2023       Biennale Internazionale Donna, Trieste, Italy
    2017       Performance Art Video Screening Program, PERFORM2017, Art Sonje Center B1 Art Hall, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea

    Film Festivals
    2024       "In Your Shoes" co-directed with Chan Tze Woon (World Premiere), Taiwan International Documentary Film Festival, Taipei, Taiwan

    2023       Per.Platform #4 x BASE 'The Unknown Material', Tai Po Art Centre, Hong Kong
    2022       BASE (performance art studio), Tai Po Art Centre, Tai Po, Hong Kong (Co-founder)
    2022       Per.Platform x stilllive Performance Art Platform (Japan) x EJAR.RAGORA - Group session, EJAR.RAGORA, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
    2022       Per.Platform #3 x Tomorrow Maybe ‘Fluidity and Impermanence”, Tomorrow Maybe, Eaton HK, Hong Kong
    2021       Per.Platform #2 Last Days of Chiron Retrograde, Videotage / 135YCS, Hong Kong
    2021       Per.Platform #1 Entropy: The Arrow of Time~, 135YCS / ThyLab / Present Projects / UNSCHEDULED, Hong Kong (Co-founder)
    2021       Tempe Art Space, Yue Fai Commercial Centre, Aberdeen, Hong Kong (Founder)

    Performance Art Workshops
    2023       "Tactile Frequencies" Sonic-Visual Play, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, Tai Po Art Centre, Hong Kong
    2023       "Material Symbiosis" Performance Art Workshop by Florence Lam, Per.Platform #4 x BASE, Hong Kong
    2022       Teacher’s Workshop - Performance Art Workshop by Florence Lam, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong
    2022       “Get Performance Art Abs in 1 Week with Florence Lam”, Current Plans, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong
    2022       “Tilt and Level” Performance Art Workshop by Florence Lam, Florence Lam Workshops, Hong Kong
    2021       “Art is Human” Performance Art Workshop by Florence Lam, JCCALAP, Hong Kong
    2020       “Be (On) Water” Performance Art Workshop by Florence Lam, Futur 3, Kiel, Germany

    2023       Leading role for "The Reticent Wave” directed by Yuen Chi-Him, 17th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival, Hong Kong
    2023       Actress for “HAZE - Tomii Chan” Music Video, Hong Kong

    Public Sharing & Education
    2024       Tutor, RFHK Summer Camp 2024, Renaissance Foundation, Hong Kong
    2023       Hong Kong Conversations 2023: Independent Researchers, Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong
    2023       Guest speaker, School of Visual Art, Hong Kong Baptist University (upcoming)
    2023       Mentor for Young Collective+, M+ Museum of Contemporary Art, Hong Kong
    2023       Guest speaker for "Practices and Strategies" Public conversation series at ATW Giessen University, Germany
    2022       Guest lecturer for “Performing the Exhibitions - Process-based Possibilities in Art Projects”, HART Curatorship Incubation Programme, Hong Kong
    2021       Paid Studio Visits (Online), Para Site, Hong Kong
    2020-21  Art Teacher for Children and Teenagers, Art Rooftop, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
    2014-15  Teaching Assistant for A-Levels Art & Design, International School of Creative Arts, UK
    2013-15  Administrator and U.K. Branch Operator for AOAart, Autistic Or Artistic? (Volunteer), UK/China
    2012       Studio Intern & Workshop assistant, Summer Art Cadets w/ visually-impaired children, C&G Artpartment, Museum of Art Hong Kong

    2022       Artomity Winter/Spring 2021/22: Folio Section (Publisher: Artomity, HK)
    2021       Things will Work Out Tomorrow - A Growing Collection of StepBackForward.art Methodologies (Publisher: StepBackForward.art, HK)
    2020       D-Normal/V-Essay: Issue 1: Ocular Oracular (online video-zine) (Presentor: Floating Projects, HK)

    Interviews & Media Presence (Selected)
    2024       「無事可記:「香港再偶拾」評論」,Text by 曾哲偉 (TSENG CHE-WEI) 黃銘樂 (DANSON WONG),  ARTouch, Taiwan
    2022       “MINDLY FEATURE / Florence Lam - 行為藝術並不是開幕舞獅” , Text by Panda Chow, MINDLY.JOURNAL, Hong Kong
    2022       “Performance Art for All at Per.Platform”, Video interview by Pamela Wong, Asia Art Pacific, Hong Kong
    2022      「後人類敘事—以科學巫術之名」 展覽探索邊界中模糊的可能性, 虛詞。無形 P-Articles, Hong Kong
    2022       「行為藝術家 Florence Lam - 從偶然到本然」, Text by Ashley Man, 香港視覺藝術評論培育計劃, Hong Kong
    2022       “Insight Art - 以魂吶喊 SOUND OF UNVOICED SOULS : Florence Lam”, Text by Hoiyin Wong, ELLE Magazine Aug 2022 Issue, Hong Kong
    2022       “New Currents | On Essence: Florence Lam”, Text by Pamela Wong, Art Asia Pacific Issue 129 Jul/Aug 2021, Hong Kong
    2022       “The Works : Performance Artist Florence Lam...”, RTHK, Hong Kong
    2021       Take a seat, open a human/book!, Peace Generation, Po Tuck Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
    2021       「當身體是海綿 | Emerging Artist: FLORENCE LAM」, Text by Samwai Lam, 號外 City How Why Magazine Issue 539 Sep 2021, Hong Kong
    2021       用對抗的姿態擁抱:記 「後人類敘事—共存之地」” 展覽及其他, Text by 安娜, Ming Pao, Hong Kong
    2021       FLORENCE LAM | MINDLY. JOURNAL, Text by Panda Chow, MINDLY.JOURNAL, Hong Kong
    2020       “What Rainbows We Choose To See, A Show and Tell with Florence Lam” , Text by Juliane Foronda, artzine.is, Iceland